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New Products Featured in our 2020 Catalog

We are excited to show you what we’ve been hard at work on.  In 2020 we are bringing you more great value and the results of our feedback-driven product development!


Browse the categories where we’ve added new products; these items also appear in the applicable sections of the catalog and site.

Don’t see what you’re hoping for?   Let us know!

Most of our best new ideas are actually your ideas, so send us your feedback and concepts for what you wish we already made. 

We do a lot of customized made-to-order projects so there’s a pretty good chance, the thing you need is already created and we just haven’t released it as an official product yet!

FEATURE PRODUCT:  Roll-up Door Cabinet Racks

ACE is excited to offer a roll-up door version of our flagship Cabinet Rack in partnership with Diamond Roll-Up Door, the leading manufacturer of roll-up door products in the United States.

  • Easy access of the contents of the rack without stepping around doors and from either side of the truck.
  • Rack depth starts at 18” Deep for maximum storage capacity
  • Door is aluminum, with unique interlocking extrusion slat design
  • Lockable and sealed for protection from the harshest elements

We’ve partnered with Diamond because of their diverse range of products and an outstanding design and engineering staff – a perfect fit with our outstanding ACE team and product line!

Cab Guards & Accessories

Tire Chain Hangers & Fender Mounts

Step Boxes & Storage

Safety & Access Products

Logging Racks