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Deck Specs
- Materials
- Deck top, sides, tailboard & bumper are from 1/4” 5052-H32 sheet.
- Cabinets are from 1/8” 5052-H32 sheet
- Includes 1/4” steel work plate painted on bottom on plastic isolation sheet
- Dimensions
- Cabinets are 30” wide x 58” high with straight lower section & sloped upper section.
- Cabinets are 30” wide x 58” high with straight lower section & sloped upper section.
- Standard Features
- Lower section door is side hinged with door check; upper section is top hinged and supported on a gas spring. Center compartment is accessed through a top opening door hinged at the front
- Tailboard includes all required lights (round or oval lights available) and reflectors to CMVSS standards
- Full vehicle lighting package to CMVSS standards with LED lamps. *Compartment lights available upon request.
- Bolt-on fender flares with steps at front & rear

- Multi-hole mounting for a wide variety of industry standard welders. Just in case you look to upgrade your welder in the future.
- Reel tree has an excess of mounting options for your welding cable to adjust to your specific needs.
- Large lifting pockets provide easy removal and install of the WEP. Locating pins in the deck floor provide secure mounting.
- Common accessories such as fire extinguishers, rod ovens, propane tanks can be added/removed.
- Mounting of all sorts of compressed cylinders such as acetylene, oxygen, argon and ALTOP equipped bottles can be accomodated.